
They're at it again! After a long break from recording new music, British punk-rock band The Arctic Monkeys have released a new album under the title “AM”.

“Why Do You Only Call Me When You’re High?” and “Do I Wanna Know?” are popular songs from this album and its obvious why. The album is very different from their early albums such as “Brianstorm”, “Favourite Worst Nightmare”, and “Suck it and See”, which have a trashier and more naive sound.

Listening to this album I noticed many different things in the way in which Alex Turner (lead vocalist and guitarist) expresses his emotion through his voice.

Comparing this album to all the band's earlier material it is a lot more mature and the story telling is similar to that of a Bob Dylan album. It seems the band have taken a new chilled approach to conquering the punk-rock scene and this new sound has had rave reviews the past few months.

AM is perfect for every type of weather and every family member. I recommend this band and this album to everyone as it seems the Arctic Monkeys truly do get better with age. If you are interested in catching them live they are doing an Australia tour in May and tickets are selling fast so get on it! I give “AM” 5/5 stars 


By Gigi


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