1. Hi Angeline! Tell us about what you do:

I think I'm what people call a 'slashie'.. I do a computer/IT job during the day, an assistant/media girl for a pretty cool online shop label in the arvo (check out @helloparry, you'll thank me later). I do some radio gig over at The Scope, a multicultural youth radio station on 6EBAFM. I do events and creative gigs for fashion labels/companies like Perth Fashion Festival, Betts for Her, Westfield, River Island and Missguided to name a few. I also blog from everything fashion, lifestyle and relationship on www.lovethread.com.au while finishing my Mass Communications degree. 

2. How did you start the Love Thread blog?:

Well it definitely wasn't a light bulb moment. Love Thread originally started as a university project in 2011. We had to build a blog or a website about something that we like, I'm a girl so of course I chose fashion.

Years went by and I didn't think much of it until my friends urged me to pursue it. I’m so grateful that they did! I'm so blessed to have a super awesome, talented and supportive group of friends. Although I don’t see myself as a writer or anything creative, they must have seen something in me. A year on and I've collaborated with the coolest brands and companies around! I can't thank my friends enough! I heard this quote somewhere and it’s been so true for me. "You are only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with."


3. Who is in your team/works on the blog with you?:

I'm the writer and creative director of Love Thread, my hubby is the editor and (sometimes) photographer (if I buy him lollies first though!). I have great friends who takes amazing photos for me too. They are incredible and you should definitely follow @yoshikdesign & @gracerobinson on insta. My Bali travel photos are by my buddy @wibiudayana.

4. What do you love about fashion?:

We live in a world that is constantly trying to make us something else, through fashion I feel like I can express my self and my creativity. I love dressing up and putting together things that may not seem to work but with the right accessories and a dash of creativity, I've created my own piece of art.

5. Tell us about what you hope to achieve through your blog and where you see it going:

Ever since I was young my dream is to make a difference in the world. I want to have my own orphanage or foundation where I can share love, help and give hope to the destitutes in developing countries. I wasn't sure how I could achieve this, but I knew that's what I wanted to do. I never have imagined my blog to be where it is now, but I'm grateful for every opportunities that I've got. I see the potential of this little blog and I finally got that 'light bulb' moment where I realised that I can actually make that dream a reality.

Last year I started @lovethreadproject, a side project of mine which supports non-profit organisations focused on helping children, youth and women at risk. @lovethreadproject aims to support the charities through events, garage sales and all profits from Love Thread blog. My first project was with The Esther Foundation, we raised awareness and much needed funds for young women at risk in my hometown Perth.

My hope is to one day to see Love Thread making a difference throughout the world. To thread love, hope, & joy and to ignite dreams lying dormant in the dreamers.

6. You donate all profits from your blog to charity, why is that important to you?

I was raised by a single mother and things weren't always peachy. We struggled, a lot, growing up. But my mom has the most generous soul. Although sometimes she found it hard to provide for us, she would welcome anyone to our table and open our home to people that needed help. She has always encouraged us to be kind and giving, so it all started from her. 

7. What tips do you have for someone who would like to start a blog?

1. Believe in yourself and the beauty of your dreams. People will try to knock you down and convince you that your dreams are stupid. Don't let anyone dull your sparkle.

2. Write a goal. Ask yourself what do you want to achieve through your blog. Trust me, it'll serve as a reminder why you started in the first place.

3. Find your niche. What are you passionate about? Sports? cooking? fashion? Have you found your passion? If so, whatever it is, write about that. 

4. Be authentic. There might be other people doing the same thing as you, but there's only one YOU. Write from the heart, share from your own experiences, be real. Your story matters. 

5. Research. Do your research well. Find who or what your inspirations are, look at other blogs, then learn (not copy) from them. 

6. Invest time and effort. Blogging takes A LOT of time. From designing your layout, deciding on themes, fonts or logo, to writing the posts, taking and editing photos, etc. One tip though, use Blogger or Wordpress, they're easy to use and they have themes for free.

7. Keep moving forward. Always remember by doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the heart of others.​ 
