As you get ready to go back to school for another year, we thought we would ask some of our favourite Creative Mentors to tell us what they learnt in school. A bit of back-to-school inspiration for ya!
ALVYN TAN - Music Producer: LVYN
"The biggest thing high school taught me was how to learn. It wasn't the content of what i was learning which mattered most but rather the study habits and work ethic I acquired in the process. High school also revealed to me what I didn't want to do with my life.
"One thing I learnt from high school was the importance of hard work, being able to endure and push through even when I wanted to give up and see the results of persistence."
MARKSMAN LLOYD- Rapper and Speaker
"I would say I learnt how to overcome my demons through high school.
It was one of the hardest times in my life but all my creativity and insight comes from those places of testing/ tears/ learning/ failing/ being rejected.
It made me the emcee I am."
"High school taught me to spend more time doing what I love (Filming & skateboarding) & pouring myself into that rather than caring about being or looking cool.
Focussing on what you're passionate about can only lead to good, especially if you don't care what anybody else thinks."
TOR SNYDER - Comedian
"I'm not going to lie, I didn't really pay attention in class when I was in high school. But that doesn't mean I didn't learn anything. Some of the most value lessons I learnt was when I was a teenager, like daring to be different, to step outside my comfort zone, fall in love and then have your heart broken, to try new things and not be afraid to fail. We only have one life and it's best to start living it when were young. It's the best opportunity to create as much adventure as possible. "