Jealousy- you don't ever want to feel jealousy, it just creeps up on you like a monkey eyeing off your Nanna's hat. You know it's ugly, but it's just so hard to stop.
One minute you're chatting away to the guy everyone likes and having a grand old time, the next, you're trying to find things about him that are less than great, because you are feeling super lame about yourself.
- "I think his third toe is bigger than his first toe on ONE of his feet! How does he even show his face at the beach?!"
- "He might be great on the footy field and in science class, but have you seen that guy try and use chopsticks? SUCH a loser!!"
Wait what?
Green may work for Kermit the Frog, but we don't think anyone else really suits the fungus-like colour...
You don't even know how you got there, but suddenly you're stuck trying to make yourself feel better by making him look worse.
Sorry, but any good feeling you get from that won't be long lived! Picking out the faults in other people to help you sleep at night will make you a bitter old man before your time AND it doesn't do justice to the great things that make you one of a kind.
We've found the best way to get rid of jealousy and be happy with other people when things go well for them, is to STOP and be thankful. It's hard to be envious of what other people have when you are busy enjoying what you have.
Yep- we think gratitude solves a lot of problems. So write down three things that you've got going on and decide to feel good about that, rather than trying to spot grey hairs on a year 8 guy.
Lastly, do something nice for the person you feel jealous of. It's hard to stay jealous and annoyed at someone when you are thinking about how to make them happy.
Besides, green really isn't your colour- does it even really work for the Hulk?